struggle|struggles in English


[strug·gle || 'strʌgl]

act of struggling; effort, exertion; conflict, strife

Use "struggle|struggles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "struggle|struggles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "struggle|struggles", or refer to the context using the word "struggle|struggles" in the English Dictionary.

1. An actor struggles to die onstage, but a puppet has to struggle to live.

2. Redistributive struggles displace productive ones.

3. Sure, they had their struggles.

4. The mare struggles, writhes, strains.

5. Both entered epic foreign struggles to protect weak allies from threatening aggressors (for Rome, the Punic Wars with Carthage, 264 BC–146 BC; for America, the struggle to save Europe, 1918–19.

6. All struggles should have their recompense.

7. The struggle over abortion is a struggle over decision-making.

8. The struggle over the calendar is also an intergenerational struggle.

9. She spoke of her struggles with shyness.

10. But Dreenie still struggles with with Bluish…

11. Andiron Lecture Series - International Struggles for Democratic Education

12. 21 Solomon surveyed human toiling, struggles, and aspirations.

13. Family struggles beats a 4.0 G.P.A. any day.

14. Even the country's struggles gave it a vibrancy.

15. It is a struggle within, a struggle against vice, sin, temptation, lust, greed.

16. Raging Bridezilla Ariel struggles with her own stupidity

17. Astony understands your daily struggles to make time for

18. An eternal marriage and family are worth any struggles.

19. Many countries have gained national independence after prolonged struggles.

20. What does Agony mean? A violent, intense struggle, especially the struggle that precedes death

21. I've learned a great deal through my personal struggles.

22. Success grows out of struggles to overcome difficulties. 

23. Ascribing intent is one of my main struggles in life

24. No signs of struggle reported.

25. Arm in arm for struggle.